Shit My Narcissist Says

In the midst of an attempted discussion (you can guess just how swimmingly that went) regarding serious relationship and communication issues, this turd rose to the top of the shit heap:

“What personal responsibility do you claim in regards to these issues? For what problems do you accept fault, even partially?”

“I apologized when I bumped into you this morning and I admitted last week that I broke that dish!”

Then he got angry when I laughed in the face of his obvious absurdity, blamed me for his temper tantrum (because I was “deliberately inciting a reaction in him for my own amusement,” and told me that “he wasn’t obligated to give me a straight answer to that question or any question ever.”

The Narcissist Says What? Part 6

This is one of my personal favorites. I had asked The Narc why he had bothered proposing to his fiancee before reporting to prison if he was just going to get all mushy/love-sexy at me. This is the most butthurt dignity he could muster from the pokey. I guess if I’d just learned to be a courageous source of white light like him, he wouldn’t have ran away from our fourteen year friendship the day he came face-to-face with my husband and realized that he was inches away from a beatdown. Continue reading “The Narcissist Says What? Part 6”

The Funny Confabulations of the Narcissist #1

As I learn more and more about Narcissists and what makes them tick I find myself reflecting back on all those ‘ah-haaaaa’ moments when my “best friend” would do or say something so socially inept I had to stop whatever I was doing so I could give him The Look.


Continue reading “The Funny Confabulations of the Narcissist #1”

A Narcissist says What? Part 4: Idealization

Narcissists say some crazy stuff to get what they want. They’ll say even crazier stuff when they hoist you up on that (temporary) pedestal. Watch out if people start spouting this sap at you.

Taken straight from the standard issue Narcissism Primer 101: Improve Your Ass-Hattery Output Levels in Just Three Easy Lessons…


Part 1      Part 2      Part 3

A Narcissist Says What? part 3

Part 1     Part 2     Part 4

And I promise to build a rocket to the moon that runs on peanut butter and fairy dust and sparkly pink bunnies… Continue reading “A Narcissist Says What? part 3”

A Narcissist Says What? part 2

Part 1

Sometimes I just can’t believe the loads of shit I put up with. I think I just rolled my eyes so hard they heard it in Missouri. Continue reading “A Narcissist Says What? part 2”

A Narcissist Says What? part 1

Oh, hindsight. You are a very funny animal indeed.

Continue reading “A Narcissist Says What? part 1”

Why the “Apology” of the Narcissist is Worth Dicksquat

To say that a narcissist will never apologize is both true and misleading. If you get its back against the wall it will say “I’m sorry” to keep its ass out of the fire so it can keep a grip on or gain something it wants. Continue reading “Why the “Apology” of the Narcissist is Worth Dicksquat”